The new culture war

September 4, 2008

CNN’s analysis of Sarah Palin’s speech raised the issue of a culture war.  Alex suggested that she made a polarizing presentation, pitting small town against urban areas.

I don’t agree.  Even large cities are full of smaller neighborhoods.  Parents, especially mothers, can resonate with the issues she raised.  She can attack in ways men can’t  – she puts the knife in with a smile and you almost don’t know what happened.

If CNN is correct, and they are in part, it’s a recognition that politics is not all liberal – conservative, the “X” axis.  It’s also a “y” axis of what I was taught was called parochial – cosmopolitan.

Parochial isn’t a religious term here, although those who are on the parochial side are more likely to be religious (but not of the inclusive religions of Buddhism or Universalists). They treasure community, individual effort toward shared values, and fairness. They are more populist in outlook.  More team sport (football, basketball, baseball).

Cosmopolitans are urban, not just in location, but also in attitude.  They are less connected, more individualistic – individual players, even as part of team sports.

Parochials look at first glance like conservatives, and cosmopolitans tend to look like liberals.  Read the rest of this entry »

Political Machine is up and running

September 4, 2008

I got an email this morning from the GOP with Sarah Palin’s name on it.  Trouble is, is sounds like a new-style politician doing old-style politics.

First, it starts with campaign rhetoric:  “I am proud to run with John McCain and be a part of his campaign to build a safer, more prosperous future for America. … At a time when our nation is fighting a war to defeat radical Islamic extremism and our economy is at a crossroads, America needs John McCain and Reform Republicans who have the resolve, judgment and experience to lead.”

Then there’s the appeal to my ego:  “We will be relying on grassroots Republican activists like you, to help spread our message and make clear the stark differences between our agenda and the Obama-Biden Democrats’ left-wing designs for America.”

Half way down they get to the real reason for the email – money.

“Please help us get our message past the liberal media filter and directly to the voters by making a secure online contribution of $2,000, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $25 to RNC Victory 2008 today.”

“In tight contests, voter turnout is absolutely critical.  The Obama Democrats and their liberal special interests allies are spending unprecedented amounts of money on get-out-the-vote drives.  We must counter this effort and the nearly $1 billion the Obama Democrats and their allies will spend to defeat John McCain and our Republican candidates at all levels.  And we need your help to succeed.”

And then again in the p.s.  “Please help the RNC Victory 2008 program as generously as you can by making a secure online contribution of $2,000, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $25 to ensure all Republican candidates on the ballot have the campaign resources they need to win.”

Note that the first said I was important, and that my efforts in supporting voter turnout is critical.  But the best I can do is give them money so they can do traditional things like buy prime-time advertising attacking Obama-Biden.

The tone of the message is clear, and that is that the attacks by Mrs Palen on Washington insiders last night was spot on.  “Give me money and trust me to spend it for you.”

I understand she’s doing what she has to to make nice with the party leadership.  I just hope she shakes things up once she gets where she’s going.